Linda Norlander is the author of the acclaimed A Cabin by the Lake mysteries series including Death of an Editor, Death of a Starling and Death of a Snow Ghost and Death of a Fox. Her first book in a new series, Liza and the Ghost mysteries will be published in October. She was a finalist in the Tucson Festival of Books literary competition and has written several award-winning books on end-of-life care. She was a guest columnist for the Tacoma News Tribune and has had short humor published in regional and national publications. She has extensive presentation experience including recent sessions at the PNWA annual conference, Malice Domestic and Bouchercon.

Roxanne Dunn has studied writing in Paris and Seattle. She is the author of Murder Unrehearsed and Murder Undetected and writes the galley column for Pacific Yachting magazine. Murder Undetected is currently short-listed for the Chanticleer International Book Award for Mystery and Mayhem. Roxanne is working on her third novel, Murder Richly Deserved.
As a manager and project manager in a large healthcare organization, she regularly prepared and delivered presentations to audiences ranging in size from twenty to over a hundred. With Linda Norlander, Roxanne presented “Nevertheless, We Persist: Lessons from a Journey to Publication” at the PNWA conference in 2021, and has led pitch sessions at PNWA for the last three years.

Charlotte Stuart, PHD taught college courses in communications and spent a year as a political speech writer. As a management consultant, she regularly made presentations on leadership, change management and stress/burnout to groups ranging from 30-200 people. (Conference presentations included: American Society of Training and Development; National Association of Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement; and the International Society for Performance Improvement.) Charlotte’s award-winning mysteries include two series currently shortlisted for the Chanticleer Book Series Award (The Discount Detective Mysteries and The Macavity & Me Mysteries). Since 2019 she has published eight mysteries with two more scheduled for publication in 2023.